Marine Afterwork
At the end of June, our colleague Albeiro from Panama spent time in Reinbek and the marine department had invited to an afterwork event. What would be a better place than the WILLKOMM HÖFT, where every ship is welcomed with its anthem?

Food Truck Festival at LUTZ
After the Corona break, an afterwork could finally be celebrated again. Burger guys and HolyDogs provided us with culinary delights. These big after works are especially nice, because technicians as well as administration and production come together.

Summer Party 2022 for Customers
In keeping with the motto, the LUTZ summer party took place in almost Caribbean temperatures on September 2 and 3. On Friday, 160 customers and business partners gathered on the premises. The main focus was the tour of the modernized plant.

Summer Party 2022 for Employees
Employees and families came together at the summer party. Particularly popular: bull riding for the grown-ups, bouncing for the little ones. "I was delighted to see all the young families with children," says owner Hans Martin Lutz.

Christmas Party 2022
First, we cut Christmas trees for the living room. This was followed by a delicious kale buffet and good conversation in the hallway of the estate. In this way, we were able to celebrate the successful business year extensively.

Apprentice Bowling
"Learn together and have fun!" This is our motto for our apprenticeships. During the day, our trainees learn from their supervisors and after work they have a good time together.