Our certifications
Despite our almost 100-year history, our products and services are always state-of-the-art. Find out here which certifications confirm this.

Our customers are our partners. They determine the success and continued existence of our company. That is why we take every customer and every concern seriously. We want to identify our customers' wishes and future requirements at an early stage and solve them reliably. We are guided by our vision "Facilitate paths. Create quality of life." We stand for the best solution.
As a family business, we do not think in quarters. Quality, safety, sustainability, innovation and reliability determine our actions. Our goals are long-term and in line with our values. Our component elevators have a significantly longer service life and, being independent of Group spare parts, can be easily repaired and supplied with spare parts.

DIN EN ISO 9001 - LUTZ represents quality
Future-oriented thinking, safety and environmental protection as well as the highest quality standards thus determine the actions at all levels of our company. Our quality management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, which means that the processes at Lutz are independently audited and their effectiveness in terms of quality, from sales to the installation of elevators and components, as well as maintenance, servicing and spare parts supply, is confirmed. Nevertheless, our work processes are subject to continuous improvement - in order to become a little better all the time.
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DIN EN 13015 - Our maintenance is certified
Only correct and preventive maintenance in accordance with the instructions and carried out by competent persons can ensure the safe and intended operation of a system. Our maintenance is also independently audited and certified as confirmation that the elevator and escalator maintenance requirements of EN 13015 are met.

Certification according to DIN EN 1090-2 EXC 3
Since July 1, 2014, the European Construction Products Directive obliges companies to place load-bearing steel components on the market in EU member states exclusively with a CE marking. The certification and monitoring of our company and our factory production control (WPK) not only prove the required qualification of our employees and the necessary technical equipment, but also the compliance with the specified essential product properties of our components.

Certification as a welding store according to DIN EN ISO 3834-2
DIN 3834 defines the requirements for a welding store and regulates the principles for quality assurance of our welded products. As a manufacturer of welded components and constructions, this certification ensures our global competitiveness according to the international standard.

Manufacturer qualification according to DIN 2303 Q1 BK2 "Welding and allied processes"
DIN 2303 regulates the quality requirements for manufacturing and repair companies for defense products. With the manufacturer qualification Q1 "General requirements" we are certified to manufacture defense material from common standardized materials. The component classification BK 2 entitles us to manufacture defense products with normal static or dynamic stress and medium safety significance with the corresponding quality requirements.

We are continuously improving
We see it as our task and challenge to question the existing and to develop forward-looking solutions through continuous improvement. Our goal is to continuously increase the quality, occupational safety or health protection, environmental protection and competitiveness of the products and services we offer. For us, problems and recognized errors are opportunities for improvement. Every employee has the duty and the right to recognize errors and problems, to eliminate them, to deliver quality and to mitigate impacts on the environment. Our employees comply with and reinforce occupational safety regulations. Priority is always given to error prevention over error detection.