LUTZ Elevators Korea

Through LUTZ Korea, that manufactures the elevators locally in accordance with German design & quality standards, we provide you with outstanding service and exceptional quality together with competitive prices and short response time. 

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LUTZ employees Korea

German Passion meets Korean production: As a Hamburg-based company we have always maintained close ties with the ship building industry. Since the 1980s, the Korean market has been our focus, resulting in the opening of the Korean branch in 2021.

Outstanding LUTZ Design
Innovative engineering and durable parts
German Quality Standard
High quality materials to prolong life cycle
Produced in South Korea
Skilled workforce educated by LUTZ
At LUTZ we are not interested in anonymous products for the mass market: from shop-floor to management, we are committed to maintaining our name for top-quality technology and first-class service
— Hans Martin Lutz, Managing Director
Managing Director Hans Martin Lutz
Asia will continue to hold more than 90 percent of the global shipbuilding market share. It is only a matter of time before LUTZ Elevators regains its eading position for ship elevators
— Dukjong Yu, Country Manager, LUTZ Elevators Korea

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Interested in building a vessel that needs a marine elevator?

Let's have a chat together!

Jens Rabius
Mr. Jens Rabius
Head of Sales Marine Elevators New Installations